Kosher Guacamole
Kosher Guacamole is a podcast, live (-ish) from La Bodega at The Met in Atlanta. Co-owners Kenneth Katz and his wife Jeanette Florez-Katz wax poetic about everything from the ingredients of El Salvador to the emergent Atlanta pop-up scene. So slide up to the window for pupusas and cafe au lait, as Ken and Jeanette dive into life and laughs shared at their counter, and what it means to make it through, together.
Kosher Guacamole
Capitulo Dos: Foodways
A story about neighborhoods, and ingredients and "progress." Southwest Atlanta is a historically black neighborhood with limited access to appropriate foodways. But the times, they are a changing. With the rise of Atlanta’s BeltLine project, and the forthcoming developments throughout the West End, the question for the neighborhood’s future is simple: How do we pioneer the lifting of a neighborhood, without destroying its soul in the process?